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this protagonist is such an utter ass

Deleted 301 days ago

how many endings are there?

When I try to play it just goes to a blank, black screen

:o what kind of device/browser are you using?

Man this one hurt to play but in a good way.


I started crying through this with how much I could relate. You even put words to feelings I have and replayed conversations I've had with my own dad/family. Beautiful scenery and great background music. Very well done.

that was completely the same as me.


hits too close to home, damn. thank you for the ... option because i relied on them a little too much. very well written to the point i feel attacked LOL it's very relatable, definitely! love the pixel art too!!




lol i knew it was over when the "im gay" button appeared 


This whole thing was gut-wrenching. But the thing that damaged me the most was that I put my real name in at the beginning. And my dad will never call me by that. 

im sorry about your dad.. thank you for the comment, im glad my game reached you :)


e m o t i o n a l  d a m a g e


BRUH some of these hit c l o s e


That felt too personal 

(1 edit) (+5)

l love the ending  it really hits home. I love this game because l want to tell my pain and anxiety and talk to my parent about these things and l want to tell my parent about. My sexuality and my identity but l can't so games like this is really amazing for me until l have enough coverage to tell them in real life.This is the best it can get for me l want to tell them but l don't how they will react... love this game!


I audibly gasped at the ending.... this was very good and had that very very specific "being stuck in a car with one of your parents" kind of tension - i felt my shoulders tense up the same way they would if i was in that car. Great work all around!

Great game ! i love the human thematic and pixel art. Cool

Loved it! Supported and rated it! :) 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, Hatimb00! This summer, I'm doing a Summer Scoring Challenge, and I chose your amazing game to rescore.

The art work is fantastic~!


insane to me that this specific dynamic is so re-creatable and so immediately recognisable - even though it also is pretty specific in ways that don't line up 100% with my own experiences, vis a vis the non-western home country aspect (though there are some ...specific things, there, that I can relate to. for reasons too convoluted to explain here. either way, i really appreciated seeing that here. the line about knowing the word in english but not in ....? surprised me, in how well it fit, how much it could've been something i would say. it was... refreshing? i'm glad that the universal - at least, universal for a disproportionally queer, relatively young itch audience - didn't eclipse the specific, basically.  I think this game is better for it). 

thanks for the in-depth comment! i'm glad you could relate


crying i love this its so realistic 


omg my fav song is in it


? all the songs are original haha

oh it must have ounded like one


I'm crying right now, I loved this game, makes me feel better about my life


I love this, I don't have a father in my life and luckily my mother and I's relationship has gotten past this stage of confusion. But it felt like just for a moment that I had one...the sound was spectacular and the dialog was just as impressive. I can't wait to see what yall do next. 


the dad seems nice


It really hits home. Everything. Thank you so much.

Honestly, it wasn't too bad!


im tearing up now  cryig



Spoilers ahead :))

Thank you for this game. The conversation felt too real, even if I'm not a boy. Thank you for making me feel less.. alone :)
It really felt as if I was talking to my mother. I don't know how to say it, but something just- doesn't feel right when I talk to my parents. Like something blocking me from reaching out/opening up to them. And the way that the MC talked, it was so obvious he was gay. You did such a great job! I loved every part and even restarted multiple times to see how many different conversations you can have! I really really liked this. This just felt too real, as I said before. I also love the fact that it's in a place where everyone is at one point confronted to have a converstation with their parents, no escapes. (At least that's what it feels like for me-)

Such a good game and realistic conversation. 100/10


this was very relatable I even started crying



this made me feel things. i knew it, i knew it, i knew that the MC was gay just from the dialogue about marriage and Jess, and generally everything else. it's just something we experience all the time. it's hard to describe. there's like a wall, but softer. a soft barrier.

this was just so...  just so... augh. i don't know!! a lot!! but also. calm. a little. but also, a lot!! how am i supposed to put a feeling into words?

i like that this was in a car. such a classic place to come out. loved this a lot. art is superb, writing is superb, game is superb.


This concept can take lots of forms, but the way this was executed is quite brilliant, from the forcefulness of the dialogue options to go a certain route, to the fact you can change the radio, to even the awkward silence that appeared every now and then, it all adds up so nicely. I loved the game and the theme it tackles.

I'm not good with words but to put it simply the game set the mood very nicely! I could really feel the awkward tension just based on the long silences and the dialog without it feeling forced. Great job! Hope you make more stuff like this, or write more dialog for something!


i told the dad im gay

I cant stop laughing lo


the conversation was very realistic throughout the entire game! when you play this game, it feels as if you're having a conversation with your father know, difficulties that everyone goes through like loneliness, anxiety, and so on. thanks for the experience, i enjoyed the game till the very end. <3

(1 edit) (+3)

i feel exposed about this game :/

okay now i'm crying lmao


even though we were in the same house my father and I barely talked... haha *sweating intensely*


"Dad?" "I'm gay."

ive been cracking at this for 5 minutes


"y'know it doesn't hurt to check the family chat now and then"

me: *nervous sweating*


this rly hit home when I also came out during a road trip to my parents. excellent game.


While I was playing the game and they started talking about mature content I was like "I'm gay aren't I" 


i think part of the reason this game hurt to play was because of how much i relate to the mc and how real the conversation felt. it feels like an experience we all go through one way or another and i loved it.

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