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A well done visual novel. I was used to have similar conversations with my mother. What a pity that we can't see father and son, just their seats. I would be interested in how they look like and how their faces change their expressions depending on the topic, the questions, and the answers.

I love this, it's so relatable


Nice game,  I enjoyed the limited interaction and just like in real life I was station surfing. 

Couldn't relate to this as a son much but could as a dad, it seems hard to communicate with your kids sometimes. If I was in the dads shoes I think I would be immensely relieved at the end of this car trip.   


I can relate to this because it reminds me of the talks me and my parents had. Some parts hit really close to home. However, I'm a girl but I'm still queer. When I try to explain what LGBTQ+ is and the different terms, they almost immediately shut down what I'm saying. Or just denies it exists.    :( 


I really related to this game too for the exact same reason. I'm so sorry you have to deal with it, I hope things get better for you. Happy pride month <3

(2 edits) (+1)

happy pride month to both of you! i hope things get better

you too friend :)

Happy pride month to you too :) <3


I almost start crying in the end, I played the game fast to not break in the middle of it, amazing game, I loved it


Ouch...There were many parts were I had to stop for a moment cause they reminded me of some of the talks I had with my parents. Thank you so much for making this game, it's beautifully done <3


talked about my balls. im a girl😧




goofy ahh


I just broke down playing this game. I don't necessarily have a problem with my parents, and I do try to constantly text them; but near the end, I completely broke down, especially with the last selection. I could never do that. 

Hope everything works out for you man. Great game. 


why's he driving in the middle of the road



What? what happens??????????


the end.

when i tell you i started crying at the end..everything about this game is perfect

This is so sweet. ♥

This games soo good, very nice (* ̄3 ̄)╭


I don't have a dad, so this was an interesting experience for me, thanks. I loved it, but now it feels  a bit painful, hah


omg i live this game

Love it

(4 edits) (+2)

Oh man, this game gave me flashbacks to my own past...  

Although I'm not the same ethnicity as the protagonist, it's surreal to relive some of the exact same dialogue--in the exact same tone--that I've said to my own immigrant parents when it came to school, mental health, & sexuality/gender identity.    

Dealing with a language barrier and a cultural/education-level gap is a pain when trying to explain/defend things that matter a lot to you.

It's both a blessing and a curse that somebody can love you so much, but still not completely understand/accept you. But in turn, you still love them anyway even though you can't completely understand them at times.

Now, I've learnt respect my parents' limits/circumstances (eg. lack of education) while still standing up for myself as needed; and, to find others who can understand those aspects of me that I cherish.   

But yeah, thanks for making this game - it was pretty cathartic. Hope you make more psychological/thoughtful games like these! 

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do you want real advice or fake advice?

Deleted post

Loved it so much! The artstyle and the dialogues were very realistic! Totally related to it. Literally answered "or husband" when the dad asked if we'd get a wife haha. I wish you the best, you deserve it <3

Beautiful work! It really touched me, picked the options of what I would say to my dad if I was in this situation, made the game amazing.  :)

thanks! glad you enjoyed :)





thank you so much! gotta love heteronormativity



Hello! I made a video talking about a few indie games including yours. I wanted to thank you for allowing people to experience such a personal moment of your life.

Talking To My Dad starts at: 00:45

wow thank you for ssharing and including my game! wishing you success for your youtube channel :)


almost felt as me and my dad at some point. only that i'm a girl, never had the chance to say or talk about this with him, my mom after a discussion told in my place taking this away from me.

i'm sorry that happened to you.. i'm glad you could relate

okay so i just signed up so i can say this game was amazing i played it two times even if i already went down the same path. keep up the amazing  work :)

aww thank you! appreciate it


I only played this game because it said car ride with your dad, and my dad recently passed, but after playing it it was very touching.


 Also, really love the cliffhanger!


sorry about your dad.. thank you for sharing, i'm happy it touched you!



but i somehow predicted the son was gay.

must be gaydar

hahaha glad it came across.. i did try to have some (very vague) hints here and there


honestly, i think in my head it was mostly a joke.

but i guess jokes predict reality.

The reference Gaydar. lol


this game is SO realistic, i've had these things said to me one to one by my family. i really relate to the main character too. plus i got so anxious at the ''i'm gay'' part i almost cried lol. it's good it ends there. hope you're ok though, game is great 12/10

i'm ok! i'm happy (and sorry) you could relate :)

What an awesome interactions, it may not be exact to some but really relatable with both perspectives of a parent and child.  I love the atmosphere, the art, and the music. Great work.

I have my gameplay over here:


omg! thank you for sharing! i had fun watching it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Cool dad character. I wish there were some positive paths in the conversation though. In most paths the son is just so toxic.


thanks! i initially tried to have some more "positive" options but they didn't feel very authentic as to my personal experience since this is auto-biographical. i appreciate you sharing your perspective though.

Really wonderful work Hatim!

thank you corey! :D

So pleased I clicked on this game randomly. 

Storytelling, art, believable dialogue, audio, all came together so well & created the perfect atmosphere. I lived this exact conversation except with my grandma, so it resonated :) 

Thank you for making it!

thank you! i'm happy it reached you :)


Good work on this! The art was critical to getting me to try it, and the writing kept me playing until the end. Best of luck with your future projects.

One bug in the later half I encountered: "Dad" says a line that seemed like it was meant to be the PC's. I don't remember exactly which one, and it didn't really hurt the experience.

thanks for pointing that out, i'll try to find it haha

(2 edits)

This is such a great experience! So creative and effective. It really  emulates the mood of the situation and reminded me of some discussions my dad and I had. Awesome pixel artworks ! 

i'm glad you could relate! thanks :)

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