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(1 edit) (+3)

Damn. The "I'll just stop talking" part is accurate it hurts...

(1 edit) (+1)

Great job, man! The conversation keeps you within the story / game all the time. I really wondered if such a pixelated art and just a conversation can captivate me but wow... yes, it did! And as a gay from a western country I appreciate to get your view! Thank you!


why didn't he pushed me off from car bro. gay part is minus. I suggest you to change it. just saying for u


i won't!


just sain' for u. it's really a good game.




ყლე ხომ არ ხარ შე ბოზო :დდდდ

Deleted 25 days ago

i made an account just to comment. this is beautiful, my dad passed away when i was little so even getting glimpses into other people's relationships with their parents is so nice. 
it seems so "simple" or "basic" but even these conversations that seem annoying or that you want to get over with, it was just very nice so thank you. lovely atmosphere as well, cannot tell you how many convos i had like this with my nana instead.


Thank you for making the account and sharing! I'm so happy this connected with you 

(3 edits) (+1)

Amazing game, it really hits home so hard at some parts. I swear parts of it felt like bits of memories. I could relate to pretty much all of it minus the gei part.


There is so much in this conversation that feels familiar and moving. The not really understanding your goals, the taking your words very personally.  I really really loved this.  


I love how accurate the words of his dad is, like, we can all agree parents these days just wouldn't get how we actually feel. It's such a simple game, yet it makes me so torn up and emotional just because how highly accurate it is


I don´t live in America, I´m not a college student, I haven´t come out to my dad yet. but, this was so relatable even to me. It was as if pieces of torn-up pictures of my memories with my dad got glued together, and made into a video game. Especially the depression part. Thanks for making it, it´s really amazing. 

Thank you for playing!


Most of my brain: oh wow as heavy conversation simulators go this is up here with Coming-Out Simulator.

thank you for making this <33

wait special thanks to harris bomber guy?? hell yes! (also this game was great and very relatable)

The game was made as part of an art residency hosted by him and his producers :)

that's inspiration


this was wonderful. thank you for making this


It's scary how much I could relate to this, once I put my actual name in the prompt it was like reliving a memory as a fever dream


This was such a amazing game, but hits too close home and looking through the rest on these comments its surprising on how many people relate


Damn, it really got me. I was waiting for it and then I decided it wouldn't, and then--

glad it got you :)


absolutely gorgeous. thank you


I'm Arab and this hits different

Deleted 1 year ago



10/10 I didn't expect that


What a lovely game.. I like the cliffhanger a lot :)

i lost my dad 7 years ago, now i have to deal with my mom :(


this is perfect. this captures just- the awkwardness perfectly, it really hits home. I love this game so much


There needs to be more games like this. Short, sweet & inclusive games. It was amazing. Some of it I really related to, like the part about being afraid what the parent would think about what you told them.

And also,

I think you dropped this <3


My dad died last year and this really reminded me of him. Thank you for making this game


A great experience - the artstyle, soundtrack and writing all lend to a simultaneously introspective yet intense atmosphere. I've never had 'the talk' with my dad - I told my mom first, and then asked her to tell him separately afterwards. Although my experiences don't relate so much to this game's situation, I was still moved by it. I wish I could talk to him like this, but we both still keep our 'jokester' barriers up so much that even touching this topic would be too awkward.

Thanks for making this game.


Cool game, I really liked the art and the radio was a nice adition.


I really relate to this game. as much as i love my dad, and would do anything for him, he doesn't try to understand me at all. i can heavily relate to the son, being part of the lgbtqia+ community myself, and dealing with depression, and anxiety issues. it's hard to communicate with my dad about these things, and this game portrayed situations like this so well. coming out is a huge deal, and is often times terrifying. I especially like how at the end of the game when you press 'im gay', and the game ends there. because you really do never know someones response to your coming out, especially if it's a family member.

overall, i loved this game so much, and i hope it gets recognized more. but aside from all the previous topics mentioned, the art in this game is beautiful ! i also love the text sounds, and the sunset, and just everything ! also a fan of how it gives you the option to insert your own name, instead of just jumping right into it. really makes you feel like youre the one in the car. really hope to see more people play this ! <3


i love this a lot, but i kept getting distracted by my dad's name being mehdi irl lmao


i don't know if its me but this game made me so emotional my eyes even started watering but good game keep up the good work! 


Even though I am not LGBT+ I find myself relating to this game, and I wish I talk with my dad more. Love you dad

(1 edit) (+2)

I went in to this thinking about trying to make myself forget. Forget about all of my life. I just stumbled on it expecting a normal conversation game. I honestly don't know which part it was but I started relating to it and just ended up sitting, curled up in my chair crying. These last few months have been hard. My mom got cancer and doesn't have much to live and my dad has become more hostile and upset because of it.  Idk why I'm saying all this online but this game made me feel like that and made me let out my emotions that I've bottled up for so long. It was what I wanted my dad to be like. Actually wanting to help and being calm about everything. Thank you for this experience. I just want things to go back to how they were...

Edit: My mom passed away a few months ago and I stumbled back onto this and idk, ig I decided to write more. I broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago, it was unhealthy the way I didn't get as much as I put into the relationship. Schools starting back up and most people who I talk to don't know abut my mom, and that scares me. I don't want to have to explain it to them but I feel that I have to bec I don't like lying. My dad has gotten better, he's still uptight but hes been more open and there for me more than he's ever been in my life. Im really proud of him. Im just so tired of everything.

bro I hope ur mum gets better I dont really know u or the things uve been through but I cant relate to the dad thing  my dad is their physically but he isn't there as a my dad hes just a stranger to me ..I hope u know that u don't need ur dad to tell u that everythings goona be alright cuz fuck him ur goona be alright without him ..did I go too far ??anyway bro have fun with ur mum before its too late and talk to ur dad about how u feel  if that doesn't work then as I said f him 


Made an account just because of how much this impacted me. wow, not sure where to start. There's of course what everyone else has said about how well you captured the feeling of talking to your dad but it's so much more personal to me. It's rare I find games that explicitly show a non-western perspective, and certain parts reminded me of conversations I had with my own Asian parents. 
And the radio gosh the radio. I often found myself playing with the radio during uncomfortable moments in a desperate hope that the father would simply drop the topic. To gain some control like I would a coping mechanism.
Gosh every aspect I found too real, too human, too raw, like someone peered into my mind and saw the guiltiest parts. And it hurts because he clearly cares, he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't but you can't help but wish he didn't care at all just so you wouldn't have to have this conversation.
And the music, the music. The way I'd go through the stations and look at the clouds, trying to ignore the yellow text box so actively demanding my attention. How I would switch the radio the second a song felt too sad just so i could attempt to ignore again. Everything about it just works so well.
But the ending was what really got me. My parents are homophobic, and throughout the game I managed to project my own father onto this character, so whilst others are saying they felt closure, all I could feel as the screen fades to black was fear. and dread. Amazing how you could get both reactions out of your players.
I was stunned during the credits, watching as the words continued to appear even after the music fades. It creates a dreary atmosphere that fit my feelings after that ending.
Great game

thank you for leaving this lovely comment. it really warms my heart knowing that my game connected with you this much. i'm glad the non-western perspective came across too and that you could relate to it :)

Deleted 287 days ago

i'm glad my game reached you :)


Incredible. Captures that exact specific feeling of a car ride with a blissfully unaware father. The music and artwork are somehow so peaceful and calming in an otherwise uncomfortable scenario. The dialogue hits real close to home, truly miserably realistic... Simple mechanics with the radio that are extremely enjoyable to play around with, thanks to how pleasant the music was. Thank you for making this and best of luck with your future endeavors. 

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the music  hehe


Cozy game, a bit anxiety-inducing, with lovely artwork and background music. At the same time, I wanted to finish it as soon as possible, but for it to last longer... I guess that's the vibe with most real-life convos with parents. It's strange seeing how many people relate to this game, having difficult relationships with their fathers. I hope whoever reads this comment and feels the same estrangement gets the message that we are the architects of our future - a good building is not constructed solely on solid ground, it needs walls and support, windows and doors...

I too was surprised by seeing how many people could relate haha. Things do get better!



ik im kinda mad now ;((((

When I choose my name, the game goes into a blank screen and nothing happens :(

you need to allow cookies!!


as someone who struggles with depression and severe anxiety, this feels so familiar, it gives me the same feelings as being made to sit in the front of the car so me and my dad could talk.  To have this kinda conversation. I'm not sure if I hate it or miss it. This game was amazing, thank you

also funny enough to the ending, I am actually gay lol

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